Solutions tailored to your unique needs.

We offer a wide array of services related to human resources management in unionized as well as non-unionized environments. Whether you need turnkey solutions or our help on a specific matter, we are here for you.


Absence management (CNESST and disability)

2GC offers a contracting out service to efficiently manage absences due to work-related injuries and employees’ personal days. We have the extensive expertise needed to reduce the duration of absences, facilitate the employees’ transition back to work, and conduct evaluations when necessary.

It’s a great advantage for your own performance while reducing premiums and improving your performance with CNESST.


Training for your managers, supervisors and team leaders

Good management is born from efficient training. This is why we offer a variety of personalized training plans built for your managers, supervisors, and team leaders to acquire the specific set of skills and knowledge they require to succeed.

Whether it concerns absence management, performance reviews, pay equity, disciplinary meetings, conflict management, and more.


Pay equity

Pay equity is the topic of the hour in today’s work environments. Numerous organizations are now obligated to conduct pay equity exercises to ensure that their employees are compensated fairly.

To achieve this, we offer a complete range of pay equity services designed to help companies to evaluate the condition of their current salary system, identify wage differentials related to sex or race, and take measures to rectify these imbalances.


HR personnel replacement

When it comes to maintaining effective human resources, reliable and experienced professionals are essential without a doubt. During an employee’s vacation or prolonged absence, it is critical to find a qualified replacement to take over and guarantee the smooth running of operations. At 2GC, we provide HR recruitment services for companies from various fields.

With our help, companies can rest assured that their HR service will always remain seamless and professional.



Our mentoring service allows you to obtain tools to succeed and receive the advice that you need exactly when you need it. Thanks to individual counselling, workshops, seminars, periodical meetings, and other resources, we can help you overcome obstacles related to human resources in your company.

Whether you seek help facing a challenging situation or simply wish to be guided in the elaboration of efficient management strategies; we have all the resources you need to achieve your goals. 

Employees are
every company’s
greatest asset.

This concept is substantiated by a vast number of studies and demonstrates regularly that companies with a more engaged work force achieve better results in comparison to their counterparts in terms of revenue growth, profitability, and client satisfaction.

Furthermore, workers who feel motivated are better able to adapt with market terms and are more inclined to suggest innovative solutions to challenges faced by today’s companies.